Home Physiotherapy

Home care physiotherapy is a personalized form of physiotherapy delivered in the comfort of a patient’s home, tailored specifically for individuals who may find it challenging to visit a clinic due to mobility issues, severe conditions, or post-surgery recovery. This approach ensures patients receive one-on-one attention and treatment plans customized to their unique health needs and environmental constraints. Through exercises, mobility training, and therapeutic techniques, home care physiotherapists assist patients in improving their functional abilities, promoting independence in daily activities. It’s particularly beneficial for elderly patients, those with chronic illnesses, or anyone needing rehabilitation without the stress of frequent clinic visits.



    Following surgery, illness, trauma, or disease, physiotherapy is a sort of treatment that aids patients in regaining their normal state of health on both a physical and mental level. Also referred to as physiotherapy, it aids in the patient's quick recovery using a variety of techniques including education, physiotherapy, and modalities. Physiotherapy may be used to treat patients of all ages, from infants to the elderly, and tackles orthopedic, cardiac, neurological, and other issues. When planning a physiotherapy treatment, the first step is to determine the underlying cause of any issue. The goal of Elite physiotherapy and sports injury centre is to offer you the greatest physiotherapists in the comfort of your own home.


    On the first day, the physiotherapist will do a thorough initial evaluation, which will serve as the foundation for creating a personalized treatment plan. Depending on the treatment and the state of the patient, the service might take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. We provide weekly and monthly packages based on your need. You are free to choose a time window that works for you. Whether the patient is recovering from a chronic disease or a one-time injury, in-home physiotherapy sessions are intended to speed up their recovery. To guarantee you get the most out of your at-home session, consider the following advice:

    • Choose a spacious well-ventilated room, well-lit area of your home that is clutter-free because your physiotherapist may bring some modest workout equipment for your session.
    • Put on relaxed attire. Since your physiotherapist will be assessing the stability and mobility of your joints, make sure that nothing on your body restricts your range of motion.
    • Discuss with your physiotherapist the precise locations of your discomfort and the degree of function you hope to attain throughout your sessions.
    • Tell the physiotherapist everything about you, including when the pain started, what kind of pain it is, and how long you've had it.
    • Pay close attention to the exercises your physiotherapist is showing you, and don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any problems. To get the intended benefits from your workouts, you should also be diligent.


    The greatest physiotherapists are available at Elite Physiotherapy and sports injury Centre to treat a variety of injuries. They offer upscale physiotherapy services tailored to each patient's individual requirements. The services offered by Elite Physiotherapy and sports injury centre include the following:

    Chest Physiotherapy: This type of physiotherapy is specifically intended for patients with heart or breathing issues. This enhances respiratory effectiveness, encourages lung growth, fortifies respiratory muscles, and helps the respiratory system expel secretions. Physiotherapists at Elite Physiotherapy and sports injury Centre provide chest physiotherapy treatments in several cities. These treatments include postural drainage, chest percussion, pulse vibration, deep breathing exercises, and coughing. Often, these techniques are combined with other therapies like suctioning and expectorant medication administration.
    In addition to using methods like postural drainage, vibrations, and percussion to assist release secretions, the physiotherapist may teach you self-exercises in breathing to help maintain clean airways. Assisted coughing is a technique that can be utilized by folks who are unable to cough out enough mucus to clear their throat. Additionally, they can offer advice on any breathing apparatus that would be useful to increase oxygen flow, loosen mucus, or lessen dyspnea. Assessment methods like auscultation-listening to your lungs using a stethoscope-will be carried out before to each therapy.

    Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy: This type of physiotherapy is used to address musculoskeletal issues. The muscles, bones, joints, nerves, ligaments, cartilage, and spinal discs are all treated during this physiotherapy. Therapeutic exercises, mobilizations and manipulations, soft tissue massage, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, and neural mobilization are some of the treatment modalities employed. Exercises for stretching, strengthening, and hydrotherapy are a few of the at-home treatment approaches.

    Orthopedic Physiotherapy: This type of physiotherapy mostly treats bone problems. Patients who have recently had surgery or who are anticipating surgery might benefit from this physiotherapy during their recovery. Treatments include hip and knee replacements, back surgeries, spinal and peripheral joint issues, fractures, and more. Exercises, mobilizations, and proprioceptive training are the basic forms of physical activity used in orthopedic physiotherapy treatments. The workouts consist of range-of-motion exercises, strength training, aerobics, and stretches that are assisted by contemporary medical technologies including ultrasound, IFT, and manual traction.

    Post-Surgical Physiotherapy: This type of physiotherapy is designed specifically for those who have had surgery. Following any operation, post-surgical physiotherapy aids in the return of function. Physiotherapists primarily utilize mobilization, muscle strengthening, and stretching exercises in this treatment. Surgical procedures for the spine, hip, ankle, shoulder, and heart are often performed. Physiotherapists assist patients in regaining muscular strength and movement through a variety of exercises, enabling them to carry out daily chores as quickly as feasible.
    Patients can regain muscle strength, joint motion, full joint movement, and flexibility with the aid of physical exercises like quadriceps sets, straight leg raises, ankle pumps, knee straightening exercises, bed-supported knee bends, sitting-supported knee bends, stair climbing and descending, and sitting-unsupported knee bends. Once the patient has recovered independence for a limited distance, further activities including standing knee bends and assisted knee bends are advised to improve strength and functioning.

    Speech Therapy: Speech therapy is a type of physiotherapy used to address speech, language, and communication abnormalities as well as swallowing issues in both adults and children. Neurological disorders such as dementia, brain injuries, and strokes can cause these issues.
    A speech-language pathologist (SLP) evaluates the patient at the start of a speech therapy program to determine the patient's communicative strengths and weaknesses. Based on this assessment, the SLP formulates personalized treatment objectives. Developing spoken language abilities, picking up nonverbal cues like gestures and signs, or picking up alternate forms of communication (such technology or images) are common objectives.

    The following are a few of the abilities that speech therapy may target:
    • strengthening the jaw, neck, and mouth muscles
    • articulating speech sounds more clearly
    • matching the right face expression to the right feelings
    • Knowing how to read body language
    • Answering inquiries
    • relating an image to its description
    • producing the right word on an iPad using a voice app
    • The fluctuating vocal intonation

    Sports Physiotherapy: The goal of this type of physiotherapy is to treat and rehabilitate athletes. Exercise, such as fitness regimens and athlete instruction, are the main components of this therapy. One of the most reputable physiotherapy companies, Elite physiotherapy and sports injury centre has a staff of the top physiotherapists spread throughout many cities, and they provide patients individualized care based on their needs. Different methods and recommended assistive equipment may be used by our therapist to stabilize the damaged portion and keep you from utilizing it. Here, promoting recovery by lowering discomfort and swelling is the primary objective.

    Sports rehabilitation uses a variety of treatment modalities with an emphasis on strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination to help you regain your athletic abilities. Muscle reconditioning and sport-specific workouts will be utilized to help the damaged area regain its natural range of motion. Additionally, you will learn fresh methods for safeguarding joints and muscles that are prone to damage. Ankle sprains, epicondylitis, groin pulls, hamstring strains, ACL tears, patellofemoral syndrome, and shin splints are among the most frequent sports injuries. Others include low back discomfort, rotator cuff problems, bursitis, shoulder strains, and pain in the neck. Keep in mind that certain injuries are more likely in the particular sport you play since they rely on what you play.


    Individuals with persistent discomfort in their joints or muscles need to undergo frequent physical treatment. In order to lessen their agony, the physiotherapist will assist patients in performing certain exercises and apply pain-relieving techniques like ultrasound and TENS/IFT. Individuals who have trouble walking need to receive physiotherapy. The physiotherapist will assist patients in stretching tense muscles, increasing flexibility, and doing range-of-motion exercises.

    Individuals experiencing pain as a result of joint weakness have to receive physiotherapy. To strengthen the joint, the physiotherapist will assist patients in doing strengthening exercises using weight cuffs and their hands. Professionals with neck or back discomfort need to see a physiotherapist. They will learn ergonomic techniques from the physiotherapist to use at work.