Erb’s Palsy


Erb’s Palsy, often called Erb-Duchenne Palsy, is a kind of brachial plexus damage that usually happens after delivery. The nerve network that governs the shoulder, arm, and hand muscles is called the brachial plexus, and it is situated close to the neck. An arm may become weak, lose its ability to move, or become paralyzed if these nerves are stretched, squeezed, or ripped during childbirth. At Elite Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre, we are committed to offering our patients comprehensive care that will enhance their quality of life. We are aware of the intricacies involved with Erb’s Palsy.


  • Causes of Erb's Palsy:

    The most frequent cause of Erb's Palsy is when a baby's neck becomes excessively stretched during a difficult delivery. This injury may be more likely due to several causes, such as:

    Breech Delivery: Shoulders caught in the delivery canal are more likely to occur in a baby delivered feet first.
    Large Birth Weight: Infants who weigh more than typical may have trouble getting through the birth canal, which puts them at higher risk.
    prolonged Labor: Excessive traction on the baby's neck and shoulders is more likely to occur during a difficult and protracted labor.
    Maternal diabetes: Larger babies from diabetic moms might make delivery more difficult.

  • Symptoms of Erb’s Palsy

    Depending on how severe the damage is, Erb's Palsy symptoms might change. Common signs consist of:

    Weakness in the Affected Arm: The baby's upper arm or shoulder may move very little or not at all.
    Arm Held Against the Body: The elbow should be extended and the forearm should be turned inward when the arm is held close to the body.
    Reduced grip Strength: The infant's grasp on the afflicted side may be weaker.
    Lack of the Moro reflex: On the afflicted side, the infant could not exhibit the typical startle reaction.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment

    For Erb's palsy to be effectively treated, an early diagnosis is essential. Often, the damage may be identified with a comprehensive physical examination by a medical specialist. Sometimes, to determine the full degree of the nerve injury, other imaging tests, such an MRI or ultrasound, are needed.

  • Treatment options for Erb's Palsy include:

    Physiotherapy: Using physical therapy as early intervention can greatly enhance results. To improve the injured arm's range of motion and functioning, our team of knowledgeable physiotherapists at Elite Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre focuses on stretching and strengthening exercises.
    Occupational Therapy: The goals of occupational therapy are to enhance the child's fine motor skills and capacity to carry out everyday tasks.
    Surgical Intervention: Nerve grafts or transfers are examples of surgical treatments that may be taken into consideration in extreme situations if conservative therapy is not improving the condition.

    We at Elite Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre are dedicated to helping Erb's Palsy families. Our interdisciplinary team creates customized care plans based on the need of each child. We also provide families with tools and support groups to assist them deal with the difficulties posed by Erb's palsy.

  • Conclusion

    Although Erb's Palsy is a difficult illness to manage, many children can significantly improve their function and quality of life with an early diagnosis and intensive therapy. Here at Elite Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre, we're committed to giving our patients the finest care possible so they can achieve their goals. Get in touch with us right now to arrange a consultation and begin your child's rehabilitation process if you think they could have Erb's palsy.